viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

What's your MOTTO? ¿Cuál es tu LEMA?

Here are some suggestions from classmates, and myself. Think of the one/s you like, or use, for some reason or other and include it in 'comments'. I will add them here -cross my heart and hope to die if I lie-

Aquí van unas sugerencias de compañeros y de mí misma. Piensa en la/s que te guste/n, o uses, por una razón u otra e inclúyela en 'comentarios'. La/s añadiré aquí -lo prometo por 'snoopy'.

Si tienes alguno en español y no sabes su equivalente en inglés, inclúyelo igualmente y trataré de encontrarlo.

If you have one in Spanish and don't know the equivalent in English, please add it all the same, and I'll try and find it for you.

"When in Rome do as the Romans do"
'Donde fueres haz lo que vieres'

"Always do what you fear" 'Siempre haz lo que temes'

"Whatever you do, do your best -try to be the best"
'Lo que quiera que hagas, sé el mejor -inténtalo'

"Family first, come rain or shine" 'La familia lo primero, contra viento y marea'
"Unity is Strength" ' La unidad hace la fuerza'
"If there's a will, there's a way" 'Si se quiere, se puede'
"You'll never walk alone" (Liverpool Football Team)
"Above us only sky" (John Lennon Liverpool airport)
"Don't dream your life, live your dream"
"Impossible is nothing" (Adidas)


Listen, baby.Ain't no mountain high.Ain't no vally low.Ain't no river wide enough, baby.If you need me, call me.No matter where you are.No matter how far.Just call my name.I'll be there in a hurry.You don't have to worry.'Cause baby,There ain't no mountain high enough.Ain't no valley low enough.Ain't no river wide enough.To keep me from getting to you.Remember the day,I set you free,I told you,You could always count on me.From that day on, I made a vow,I'll be there when you want me,Some way,some how.

'Cause baby,T here ain't no mountain high enough. Ain't no valley low enough. Ain't no river wide enough. To keep me from getting to you.

No wind, no rain

My love is alive

Way down in my heart

Although we are miles apart

If you ever need a helping hand

I'll be there on the double

As fast as I can

Don't you know that

There ain't no mountain highenough

Ain't no valley low enough

Ain't no river wide enough

To keep me from getting to you

Don't you know that

There ain't no mountain high enough

Ain't no valley low enough

Ain't no river wide enough....

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009


He tenido la suerte de enterarme del significado de estas expresiones gracias a los amigos que nos sugirieron la obra de teatro 'TOC TOC', en Madrid.

Been really lucky to learn about the meaning of these expressions, thanks to some friends who suggested going and seeing the play 'TOC TOC', in Madrid

TOC -Español para: Trastorno Obsesivo Compulsivo
OCD- English for: Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour

In any case more 'normal' these days than would be expected. And, as in the case of the play, absolutely hilarious. I tell you, I did laugh my head off. I totally recommed it. Nothing wrong with having fun, and even laughing a bit at oneself.

En cualquier caso más 'normal' estos días de lo que se supondría. Y, como en el caso de la obra, absolútamente hilarante. Os lo digo, sí que me partí de la risa. La recomiendo de verdad. No hay nada malo en divertirse, e incluso reírse de uno mismo un poco.

Here's some further information:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts and repetitive, ritualized behaviors you feel compelled to perform. If you have OCD, you probably recognize that your obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are irrational – but even so, you feel unable to resist them and break free.

Like a needle getting stuck on an old record, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) causes the brain to get stuck on a particular thought or urge. For example, you may check the stove twenty times to make sure it’s really turned off, you’re your hands until they’re scrubbed raw, or drive around for hours to make sure that the bump you heard while driving wasn’t a person you ran over.

Most people with obsessive-compulsive disorder fall into one of the following categories:

  • Washers are afraid of contamination. They usually have cleaning or hand-washing compulsions.

  • Checkers repeatedly check things (oven turned off, door locked, etc.) that they associate with harm or danger.

  • Doubters and sinners are afraid that if everything isn’t perfect or done just right something terrible will happen or they will be punished.

  • Counters and arrangers are obsessed with order and symmetry. They may have superstitions about certain numbers, colors, or arrangements.

  • Hoarders fear that something bad will happen if they throw anything away. They compulsively hoard things that they don’t need or use.

Just because you have obsessive thoughts or perform compulsive behaviors does NOT mean that you have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Many people have mild obsessions or compulsions that are strange or irrational, but they’re still able to lead their lives without much disruption. But with obsessive-compulsive disorder, these thoughts and behaviors cause tremendous distress, take up a lot of time, and interfere with your daily routine, job, or relationships.

Signs and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Most people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have both obsessions and compulsions, but some people experience just one or the other. The symptoms of OCD may wax and wane over time. Often, the symptoms get worse in times of stress.

Common obsessive thoughts in OCD include:

  • Fear of being contaminated by germs or dirt or contaminating others

  • Fear of causing harm to yourself or others

  • Intrusive sexually explicit or violent thoughts and images

  • Excessive focus on religious or moral ideas

  • Fear of losing or not having things you might need

  • Order and symmetry: the idea that everything must line up “just right.”

  • Superstitions; excessive attention to something considered lucky or unlucky

Common compulsive behaviors in OCD include:

  • Excessive double-checking of things, such as locks, appliances, and switches.

  • Repeatedly checking in on loved ones to make sure they’re safe.

  • Counting, tapping, repeating certain words, or doing other senseless things to reduce anxiety.

  • Spending a lot of time washing or cleaning.

  • Ordering, evening out, or arranging things “just so.”

  • Praying excessively or engaging in rituals triggered by religious fear.

  • Accumulating “junk” such as old newspapers, magazines, and empty food containers, or other things you don’t have a use for.

¿Qué es el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo?
El trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC) es una enfermedad que hace que las personas tengan pensamientos que no desean (obsesiones) y que repitan ciertos comportamientos (compulsiones) una y otra vez. Todos tenemos hábitos y rutinas en nuestra vida cotidiana tales como cepillarnos los dientes antes de acostarnos. Sin embargo, para las personas con TOC, los patrones de comportamiento interfieren con sus vidas cotidianas.

La mayoría de las personas con TOC saben que sus obsesiones y compulsiones no tienen sentido pero no las pueden ignorar ni tampoco frenar

¿Cuáles son algunas obsesiones comunes?

Las siguientes son algunas obsesiones comunes:
  • Miedo a la mugre o a los gérmenes
  • Disgusto por los desechos o los líquidos corporales

  • Preocupación con el orden, simetría (balance) y exactitud

  • Preocupación de que una tarea no se haya realizado bien incluso cuando la persona sabe que no es cierto.
  • Miedo de tener pensamientos malos o pecaminosos

  • Pensar en ciertos sonidos, imágenes, palabras o números todo el tiempo

  • Necesita asegurarse continuamente de las cosas

  • Miedo de hacerle daño a un miembro de familia o amigos

¿Cuáles son algunas compulsiones comunes?

Las siguientes son algunas compulsiones comunes:
  • Limpiar y arreglar, tal y como lavarse las manos, tomar baños o cepillarse los dientes una y otra vez

  • Revisar cajones, puertas y aparatos eléctricos para asegurarse de que están cerrados, con seguro o apagados
  • Repetir, tal y como salir y entrar por una puerta, levantarse y sentarse de un asiento o tocar ciertos objetos varias veces.

  • Ordenar y disponer cosas de cierto modo

  • Contar una y otra vez hasta cierto número

  • Guardar periódicos, correspondencia o empaques que ya no son necesarios

  • Buscar seguridad y aprobación continua
What could a good theme in a song for this issue be? Perhaps..., yes!! Here it goes!!!
Enjoy and learn...!!!

I can't get no satisfaction,
The Roling Stones

I can't get no satisfaction,
I can't get no satisfaction.
'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.
I can't get no, I can't get no.

When I'm drivin' in my car
and that man comes on the radio
and he's tellin' me more and more
about some useless information
supposed to fire my imagination.
I can't get no, oh no no no.
Hey hey hey, that's what I say.

I can't get no satisfaction,
I can't get no satisfaction.
'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.
I can't get no, I can't get no.

When I'm watchin' my TV
and that man comes on to tell me
how white my shirts can be.
Well he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke
the same cigarrettes as me.
I can't get no, oh no no no.
Hey hey hey, that's what I say.

I can't get no satisfaction,
I can't get no girl with action.
'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.
I can't get no, I can't get no.

When I'm ridin' round the world
and I'm doin' this and I'm signing that
and I'm tryin' to make some girl
who tells me baby better come back later next week
'cause you see I'm on losing streak.
I can't get no, oh no no no.
Hey hey hey, that's what I say.

I can't get no, I can't get no,
I can't get no satisfaction,
no satisfaction, no satisfaction, no satisfaction.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Hi, everyone!!! Better late than never, right? Come on, Thumbs up!!!

Welcome to a new academic course in 'Los Sauces'. The truth is I feel quite a bit lazy about this 'new start', but I know all I need is just a little warming up.

As a starter here is the new motto for this year. It's dedicated to all the hardworking people, people who make their best, and yet, sometimes, still they do not succeed in their projects. This was said by Samuel Beckett.

"You tried, you failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better"

'Lo intentaste, fracasaste. No importa. Intentalo de nuevo. Fracasa de nuevo. Fracasa mejor...'

Nothing more to add, only... "Come on, thumbs up!!!!"

Nada mas que añadir, solo 'Venga, arriba esos pulgares!!!'

Gloria Gaynor
I Will Survive

First I was afraid
I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live
without you by my side
But I spent so many nights
thinking how you did me wrong
I grew strong
I learned how to carry on
and so you're back
from outer space
I just walked in to find you here
with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed my stupid lock
I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second
you'd be back to bother me

Go on now go walk out the door
just turn around now
'cause you're not welcome anymore
weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
you think I'd crumble
you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I will survive
as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive

It took all the strength I had
not to fall apart
kept trying hard to mend
the pieces of my broken heart
and I spent oh so many nights
just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry
Now I hold my head up high
and you see me
somebody new
I'm not that chained up little person
still in love with you
and so you felt like dropping in
and just expect me to be free
now I'm saving all my loving
for someone who's loving me

Al principio, tenía miedo,
Estaba petrificada.
Seguía pensando
Que nunca podría vivir sin ti a mi lado.
Pero luego, pasé tantas noches
Solamente pensando en cómo me habías herido.
Y me volví fuerte.
Aprendí a sobrellevarlo.
Y ahora vuelves
Del espacio exterior.
Simplemente entré y te encontré aquí
Con esa mirada de pena en tu cara.
Debería haber cambiado la maldita cerradura.
Debería haberte hecho dejar la llave,
Si hubiera sabido, por sólo un segundo,
Que volverías para molestarme.
Oh, ahora vete,
Sal por la puerta.
Sólo da la vuelta.
Ahora, ya no eres más bienvenido.
¿No eras tú el que intentó dejarme?
¿Pensaste que me desvanecería?
¿Pensaste que abandonaría y moriría?
Pues no, yo no.
Mientras sepa cómo amar, sé que estaré vivo.
Tengo toda mi vida para vivir.
Tengo todo mi amor para dar.
Sí, sí.
Me llevó todas las fuerzas que tenía
No caerme en pedazos.
Estoy intentando arreglar las piezas
De mi corazón partido.
Y pasé tantas noches
Compadeciéndome de mí mismo.
Solía llorar.
Pero ahora, no me avergüenzo.
Y ya me ves
Con una nueva persona.
No soy esa estúpida personita enamorada de ti.
Y pensabas que simplemente pasarías de visita
Y esperabas encontrarme libre.
Pero ahora estoy guardando todo el amor
Para alguien que me ama.