jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018


Un poco de 'culturilla' general -cosas que a todos nos suenan y no viene mal saber...
A bit of general knowledge -things that ring a bell and can be handy...

In the name of the Father,----------------- En el nombre del Padre

and the Son,--------------------- y del Hijo

and the Holy Spirit.------------------- y del Espíritu Santo.


Our Father, who art in heaven ---------------------------Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos

- hallowed be Thy Name, ------------------------------------------santificado sea tu nombre
Thy kingdom come, -----------------------------------------------venga a nosotros Tu reino
- Thy will be done, ------------------------------------------------hágase Tu voluntad,
on earth as it is in heaven. --------------------------------------así en la tierra como en el cielo.
- Give us this day our daily bread ----------------------------- el pan nuestro de cada día dánosle hoy
And forgive us our trespasses, ------------------------------------Y perdónanos nuestras deudas
-as we forgive those who trespass against us. ------------------así como nostros perdonamos a nuestros deudores.
- And lead us not into temptation, -----------------------------No nos dejes caer en la tentación
but deliver us from evil. ---------------------------------------------más líbranos del mal.
- For Thine is the kingdom, ---------------------------------------- Porque Tuyo es el reino
and the power, and the glory, ----------------------------------------y el poder, y la gloria

- for ever and ever. -Amen. ------------------------------------------ por los siglos de los siglos.- Amén

Guardian Angel Prayer ................................ Ángel de la guarda (equivalente)
Angel of God, My Guardian Dear .................. ...................Ángel de la guarda

to whom God's love commits me here. ................... ...........dulce compañía
Ever this day be at my side .................. ....................no me desampares ni denoche ni de día

to light and guard and rule and guide. ............................. no me dejes solo que me perdería.

Jesusito de mi vida __________________Now I lay me down to sleep (equivalent)

Jesusito de mi vida ________________ Now I lay me down to sleep

eres niño como yo, ________________ I pray the Lord my soul to keep

por eso te quiero tanto _____________ and if I die before I wake

y te doy mi corazón ________________ I pray the Lord my soul to take.

tómalo, Tuyo es,

mío no.

Wedding vows

“I, _____, take you, _____, for my lawful wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honour you all the days of my life.”

Votos de matrimonio

"Yo, _________, te tomo a ti, _______, como mi legítima/o esposa/o, para amarnos y respetarnos desde este día en adelante, para bien o para mal, -(para lo bueno y para lo malo)-en la riqueza o en la pobreza, en la salud y en la enfermedad, para cuidarte y amarte hasta que la muerte nos separe.”

THE CREED - ------------------------------- - --------------------------EL CREDO____


The 10 Commandments - God's Revelation in the Old Testament

The 10 Commandments are found in the Bible's Old Testament at Exodus, Chapter 20.
They were given directly by God to the people of Israel at Mount Sinai after He had delivered them from slavery in Egypt:

"And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God…

ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'

TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'

FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'

SIX: 'You shall not murder.'

SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'

EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'

NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'

TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'



                                                     MAPA INTERACTIVO
otro interactivo? (por si falla el primero)



Donna and Steve: the Youngs


(en inglés, Thanksgiving Day; francés, Jour de l'Action de grâce) es una celebración tradicional de Estados Unidos y Canadá. En los Estados Unidos se celebra el cuarto jueves del mes de noviembre, aunque originalmente se hacía el último jueves. En Canadá, por su parte, se celebra el segundo lunes de octubre. Generalmente en esta festividad se reúnen en torno a una mesa familiares y amigos a compartir un banquete. Aunque religiosa en origen, está considerada como una festividad secular.
En los Estados Unidos, la tradición moderna del día de Acción de Gracias tiene sus orígenes en el año 1621, en una celebración en Plymouth, en el actual estado de Massachusetts. También existen evidencias de que los exploradores españoles en Texas realizaron celebraciones en el continente con anterioridad en 1598, y fiestas de agradecimiento en la colonia de Virginia. La fiesta en 1621 se celebró en agradecimiento por una buena cosecha. En los años posteriores, la tradición continuó con los líderes civiles tales como el gobernador William Bradford, quien planeó celebrar el día y ayunar en 1623. Dado que al principio la colonia de Plymouth no tenía suficiente comida para alimentar a la mitad de los 102 colonos, los nativos de la tribu Wampanoag ayudaron a los peregrinos dándoles semillas y enseñándoles a pescar. La práctica de llevar a cabo un festival de la cosecha como este no se volvió una tradición regular en Nueva Inglaterra hasta finales de la década de 1660


My 'helping'

Donna's creation
Part of the 'setting'

martes, 24 de abril de 2018

JAZZ CHANTS, another gadget for learning

Yes, Jazz Chants, What are They?

They could be defined as follows:
A Jazz chant is a poem that uses jazz rhythms to illustrate the natural stress and intonation patterns of conversational American English.
Jazz Chants provide an innovative and exciting way to improve student's speaking and listening comprehension skills while reinforcing the language structures of everyday situation.

Carolyn Graham is the creator of Jazz Chants, which connect the rhythm of spoken American English to the beat of jazz.
She developed the technique of jazz chanting during her twenty-five years of teaching ESL in the American Language Institute of New York University.
She has also taught at Harvard University and has conducted workshops in the NYU School of Education, Columbia Teachers College in New York and Tokyo, and elsewhere throughout the world. Ms. Graham is the author of numerous Jazz Chants books, all published by Oxford University Press (Carolyn Graham nowadays).
Who did you see?
Who did you see? I saw John
John who? John Brown
I can't hear you! I said John Brown
I can't hear you! I said John Brown
I can't hear you ! I said John Brown,
John Brown,
John Brown!!

What did he say? Who?
John Brown. John Brown?
Yes, What did he say? He didn't say anything
Nothing? Not a word
I don't believe it!!
I don´t believe it!!!
Big Mouth John Brown
didn't say a word?
Not a word.

I don't believe it!! .

I don´t believe it!!!
Big Mouth John Brown Big Mouth John Brown
didn't say a word? didn't say a word.

Jazz Chants: Variety and levels